Small Groups

Study Groups

Relationship with God’s word and the relationships we build with one another through group Bible study are essential parts of life here at Epiphany. We’re glad to be able to offer a variety of Sunday School and study opportunities, including ones designed for a variety of age groups.

Recognizing the busy schedules and many commitments so many of us have, we offer a variety of studies at a variety of times spread throughout the week, from Sunday morning to Thursday evening.

If you’d like more information or an up-to-date list of our current study offerings, contact the church office.


Online Bible Study

In response to the COVID 19 pandemic, we have begun to offer a couple different online study opportunities through Zoom.

Contact the church office for more information on joining us.



Being part of a Christian community means having siblings in Christ who will support you through the hard times and hold you accountable when you need it. It also means building life-long friendships, enjoying one another’s company, and sometimes just having a good time.

We love hanging out and spending time together. From potlucks to bonfires to our semi-annual euchre tournaments, there’s always something to look forward to. Check out our church newsletter (linked at the top of this page under “news and events”) for a taste of what’s happening this month.