Thank you for supporting us as we strive to do God’s work.
The word must be preached, disciples must be made and led, and the hungry must be fed. We could do none of this without the generosity of those in our community who share with us their time, talent, and treasure.
How can I give?
You have a few options:
You can give cash or a check. You can bring your offering with you to church on Sunday or mail it in to the church office, at 915 North Reynolds Rd., Toledo, OH 43615.
You can give online. Click this link to be taken to a website where you can donate electronically online. The website includes a form where you can designate exactly how you’d like your funds to be distributed. You can also choose to make this a one-time donation, or set it to recur.
You can designate Epiphany to receive a lifetime legacy gift. If you would like to make a long-term investment in Epiphany’s future by including the church in your will or estate planning, we encourage you to contact the church office, either by emailing us or giving us a call at 419-536-5986.