Welcome to Epiphany.
We're glad you've chosen to spend some time getting to know us a little better!
Visiting a new church for the first time can be an intimidating experience. We hope the information on this page will give you an idea of what to expect when you arrive on Sunday morning.
We offer two worship opportunities every Sunday morning.
Before worship, greeters at the doors will welcome you and offer you a pamphlet with church announcements and event information.
We celebrate traditional worship at 8:45 am, complete with traditional Lutheran liturgy, choir, and hymns, accompanied by piano or organ. In addition to the announcements pamphlet, greeters will provide you with a worship bulletin, which will guide you through the service.
Starting in September and continuing throughout the school year, our contemporary worship service begins at 11 am. (During the Summer, the service starts at 10 am.) This service is informal, and the music is current and led by a band. The message is Biblically-based.
Can I take communion?
Any member of any Christian faith tradition who has been baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is welcome to commune at Epiphany. If that is not the case for you, or if you have not received communion instruction, we invite you to come forward during communion for a blessing.
Activities For Kids
We love kids at Epiphany! Children of all ages are always welcome in worship. During the school year, we are also glad to offer Sunday School for kids (kindergarten through high school age), a Children’s Church during our contemporary service (for 3-, 4-, and 5-year-olds). Epiphany’s staffed nursery is open Sunday mornings during worship.
How to find us
Epiphany is located at 915 North Reynolds Rd. in Toledo.
Our parking lot entrance is off Brandon Rd. Once you arrive, you'll enter the double glass doors to your left on the south side of the building, then head upstairs to the worship space. There is also an elevator available at this entrance.